Tuesday 19 July 2016

Hideaway License Plate - The Best Way to Protect your License Plate Information from Identity Theft

Having devices and gadgets like superheroes or undercover agents is something really cool and not many people have the opportunity to possess. Of course, the gadgets of superheroes would be tough to get because they do not exist, but you can definitely get an undercover agent kind of feeling with hideaway license plates. These are simply used to hide the car number from the general public. You will often see them used by celebrities to hide away from the paparazzi. However, these are not the same as license plate flippers. In this format, the entire number of the car will be hidden with a slide. You can choose from the manual or the automatic versions. The latter would cost more, but it is ideal to install an automatic hideaway license plate because you would not have to get down and screw and unscrew the slide every time.

Different Varieties Of Hideaway License Plate

Hideaway license plates come in various forms and they are really interesting. To acquire one, you can search online with hideaway license plate Mexico and find the nearest store near you. You will be able to choose between the flip down and curtain cover varieties. In the flip down model, there will not be any slide. The car number or the license plate will come down. It would be more like a fall of the license plate as if someone has pushed it from behind. For the curtain cover version, there will not be any curtain, per se. The slide will come down as soon as you hit the button. Size of the slide will be exactly as your license plate and the respective company will install the slide and the button. Once you are away from the crowd, you can push the button again and the slide will come up revealing the license plate number.  


Tuesday 12 July 2016

Buy Hideaway License Plate Canada Model at Reasonable Price

Ever wondered how it cool it would be to lead the life of an undercover agent? Those classy car chases, that pretty girlfriend, the strategy of staying a step ahead of others; gives a James Bond kind or any other Hollywood action flick isn’t it? Unfortunately, such things do not happen in real life. That is why celebrities have to take so much precaution when they have to go out. The paparazzi would love to follow them anywhere they go. This is the reason why license plate flippers and hideaway license plates were introduced. No celebrity would want the public or the paparazzi to know their car number. That is why to maintain privacy, they often use these devices

How it Works

If you have seen license plate flippers you will know exactly how the hideaway license plates work. Be it the front license plate or the back, you can get the device installed in either or both the places. Hideaway license plates are available in two different versions; the manual and the motorized version. In the manual version, you have to manually bring down the slide to hide the license plate while in the motorized one, all you have to do press a button and the pre-installed slide will come. When you do not want to hide the plate, you can push the button again and the slide will go up.

How to Get One

Buying a hideaway license plate is easy, especially when you have the internet handy. Search for the model you want to buy, compare the online stores that are providing the best deal and place your order. You may want to search with hideaway license plate Canada model to get an idea about the models and in which store the specific model is available online.